Turf News by Barenbrug

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HGT Soccer field opens 35 days after seeding!

Jerad Minnick from Maryland SoccerPlex is sharing his experience and pictures with HGT on his blog:




This is Jerad's testimony:


"We here at Maryland SoccerPlex are HGT's biggest fans!  Germination speed and seedling development made it possible for us to fully rebuild, seed, and re-open our stadium field in 35 days using HGT last fall.  This year the wear tolerance and recovery have been equally impressive through 150 events in 200 days.    Under stress from professional soccer, youth soccer, lacrosse and rugby, the HGT never really showed wear.  And beyond the agronomics, the most frequent compliments and comments about the field are in reference to the appearance of HGT.  Maintained below 3/4" all year, the HGT color and texture is nothing like any bluegrass has ever produced.  Obviously, we LOVE it!"


Jerad Minnick

Maryland SoccerPlex