Turf News by Barenbrug

Catch all of the latest turf related news from Barenbrug USA.


Approximately 12 years ago, Barenbrug’s Virginia based Turf Research group was evaluating a new collection of perennial ryegrass plants for traffic tolerance and persistence in the mid-Atlantic climate. Several plants caught their attention for these attributes and another new characteristic, the ability to recover and regenerate after severe traffic pressure. We now know these plants to be representative of an entirely new subspecies of turf-type perennial ryegrass, Lolium perenne ssp stoloniferum. Producing ‘determinate stolons’ to recover and repair worn and damaged turf, these plants now represent Barenbrug’s patented RPR Perennial Ryegrass ( Utility Patent #8,927,804 )


With inherent characteristics for improved tolerance and persistence in heat, humidity, and drought, RPR’s determinate stolons aggressively spread and multiply to produce numerous new plants and sustain density. RPR has taken Perennial Ryegrass to an entirely new level of adaptability and performance.


In the seed industry, we find others making claims to have spreading perennial ryegrasses. Whether by aggressive tillering or pseudo stolons, the comparisons are made to RPR, be it ‘similar to’ or ‘just like’. The bottom line is their only similarity is to each other, none are RPR. Not one will produce determinate stolons or take wear tolerance and persistence to the level of RPR. None trace their roots to the brutal summers of Virginia or the months of abuse from wear machines. And none can claim to be ssp. Stoloniferum.


So what is in a name and a unique level of performance? Everything!

When it comes to ‘just likes’ or ‘similar to’ - SHOW US YOUR STOLONS!