What About Crabgrass?

Well spring is here, and it is time to start getting pastures ready for spring-summer grazing! A lot of farmers and ranchers are looking to extend their grazing, or add a summer annual crop to their pasture, to fill that gap in the summer months.  Many farmers and ranchers have tried summer annuals in the past without great success, or satisfaction from the summer annual that they planted. So the question is, What about Crabgrass?


Crabgrass is a warm season annual grass that is planted in a large geographic area in the spring to be utilized in the summer months.  It can be used to fill a gap in grazing, it also makes excellent hay with great dry matter yields.  Crabgrass is the Simple Man’s summer annual. Earlier grazing, takes more grazing pressure, nutrient value remains higher as the plant matures.  Crabgrass is planted in the Southeastern US mainly, but can be used in areas of the Northeast, Midwest and Western states. 


There has been a few varieties of crabgrass on the market for several years. Over the past four years, Noble Research Institute of Ardmore, Oklahoma started a breeding program to work on selecting a new crabgrass. Through the selection process, Noble was able to develop a new crabgrass that derived from the commercial cultivar Red River.  The Results are a later maturing variety that maintains it’s over all nutritive quality. Barenbrug is excited to bring the new selection of crabgrass to the Market as Impact Crabgrass. "Impact" will be available within the Barenbrug brand of Mojo Crabgrass, enhanced with Yellow Jacket seed coating. The photo below shows Red River on the left and Impact on the right. 


Red River Benefits   Impact Benefits  Mojo Blend 
Fast Establishment  8-10 Days Later Maturity  Season Long Production
Good Yields Higher Yields Later in the Season

Excellent All-Season Yields

Rapid Growth Semi-Erect Growth Superior Grazeability
Strong Runners Larger Tiller Leaves Excellent Tillering & Reseeding 
Good Forage Quality Higher True Dry Matter Digestibility (IVDMD) Top Quality Palatability 
Good Early Summer Gains Excellent Summer/Early Fall Animal Gains  Excellent Gains All Season


Planting of the Mojo is mid to late spring to early summer, and can be planted by broadcasting or drill (If using a drill don’t plant seed any deeper than ¼ inch)  Seeding Rate is 5-7 lbs per acre. When planting make sure to get good seed to soil contact, and DO NOT PLANT the Seed to deep. When planting in a prepared seed bed make sure to have a firm seed bed.  A good tip to remember for a firm seed bed: When walking across the prepared seed bed, make sure the footprint doesn’t sink any deeper than a ½ inch.”   A roller or cultipacker can be used to firm up the seed bed.  If over-seeding into an existing pasture, a dragging of a harrow or lightly disking will need to be done. This will allow for good seed to soil contact.  An application of 50-60 lb. Nitrogen can be applied once you see the Mojo starting to put out Runners (Stolens).


Once the Mojo is established to a height of 6-8 inches, it can be grazed.  Allow grazing down to about 2-4
inches, stubble height. By pulling the animals and allow the Mojo to regain the 6-8 inch grazing height, more tillering and faster regrowth will occur.  Mojo works great with rotational grazing and in Barenbrug’s PINPOINT Forage Delivery System


For more information about Mojo visit your local seed dealer or contact a Territory Managerin your area.