Haymaster® Pro

Premium Hay Mixture

  • Quick dry-down
  • Drought tolerant
  • Soft-leaved, late-maturing mixture
  • High yields into the summer
  • Excellent source of digestible fiber
  • Ideal for planting alone or as companion with alfalfa
  • Persistent

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Haymaster® Pro is part of our Master Series™ formulated for either a straight grass hay field or to mix with a legume crop to produce high-quality, high-performing hay. The varieties in Haymaster Pro are selected for their quick, dry-down, ensuring the quality of your crop. To learn more talk with your local Barenbrug distributor.


Featuring customized mixes with Barenbrug’s elite late-maturing, soft-leaved tall fescues, Timothy, Brome, and High Leaf Ratio Orchardgrass, Haymaster is an ideal grass seed mixture for hay production in the West. Reaching peak production in late spring and early summer, Haymaster provides growers the opportunity to swath hay in the dry season.



Technical Information


Best planted late summer through early Fall, with Spring a ‘second-best’ option in areas with hot, humid summers. Ideal seedbed prep should include loosening soil to a depth of 6” with approximately 0.5” of finer seedbed at the surface. Prior to seeding, apply a locally recommended seed starter fertilizer at the suggested rate. Seed is best applied with a broadcast spreader, slice/slit seeder, or for larger areas, hydroseeding.



Haymaster Pro may be planted in Spring or Fall. In areas with extreme summers, Fall seeding is recommended. A well-prepared, firm seedbed is ideal for seeding. Plant no deeper than 1/4 inch. Haymaster Pro can also be no-till drilled into an existing alfalfa stand.


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Seeding Rate:
25-30 lbs/acre
Mixed Planting with Alfalfa:
10-12 lbs/acre
Interplanting into Alfalfa:
12-15 lbs/acre
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