Cover Crops
Harvest success from the ground up - explore our top-notch cover crop lineup.
5 Results
- High forage production
- Withstands high grazing pressure
- Excellent forage quality
- Multiple grazing brassica with a bulb
- High energy (80% TDN, 0.8 Nel), 30% crude protein stored feed
- High leaf to bulb ratio
BrowseMaster® Pro
- Excellent for overseeding of KY-31 Tall Fescue pastures
- Increases the forage quality and nitrogen content in pastures through Nitrogen Fixation
- Early spring forage, fast re-growth
- For summer slump or early winter feed
- High energy (80% TDN, 0.8 Nel), 30% crude protein stored feed
- Low seed costs, high return
Forb Feast
- Bolts later than Puna
- Perfect pasture supplement
- Survives in areas where clovers fail