The seeds and solutions your course needs to endure every condition.
23 Results
Duo Pro™
- 50/50 turf-annual/perennial ryegrass
- Fast germination and establishment
- Extremely traffic tolerant
- Combines benefits of determinate stolons with the color and turf quality of elite perennial ryegrass
- 60% RPR Patented Technology
- 40% Premium Perennial Ryegrass variety
Water Saver® Pro
- Perfect for landscapes, golf courses, and low maintenance areas.
- Ideal in full sun and partial shade
- Lower growing with excellent heat tolerance
- Featuring high quality, strong performing bluegrass varieties.
- Ideal for all areas of Kentucky bluegrass adaptation providing exceptional turf quality and performance in all northern and transition zone climates.
- Ideal for turfgrass renovation, new seedings, and as an overseed of bermudagrass (also known as the Bluemuda concept).
HGT® with RPR®
- Featuring Barvette HGT, a thoroughly tested variety with consistent scores in the NTEP trials.
- Offers a wide range of disease resistance
- Featuring Regenerating Perennial Ryegrass technology
L-93 XD™
- Excellent tolerance to dollar spot and other diseases
- Fine leaf texture
- High density in spring, summer, and fall
- Remarkable genetic color - consistently ranked #1 in NTEP trials
- Interseeds into existing turf to transform it into a luxurious putting surface
- Aggressive - Makes visible gains on Poa annua each year
Dunes Mix
- High quality with minimal fertility requirements
- Capable of close mowing heights, from greens height to rough-cut, or even a naturalized no-mow application
- Grows in deep shade to full sun
Scottish Links
- Quality turf even on unfavorable sites
- Tolerant of reduced nitrogen and restricted moisture
- Very good adaptation to both heavy shade and full sunlight